Living the Equation
Personal Development expert, Jack Canfield, presents a simple, elegant and very powerful formula to describe life and it goes like this: Event (E) + Reaction (R) = Outcome (O) i.e. E + R = O The formula says the events in our lives plus our reactions to them largely determine the outcomes we experience. What matters in life is the outcome we create in any given situation and that depends on our responses to events. Looking at the formula, it is clear that you need to be able to manipulate the two elements on the left – the event and the reaction – in order to obtain the outcome you desire. However, you often can’t control the events you encounter in life but you can control your reactions to them. Your reactions greatly influence your outcomes and you have full control over how you react to any event. This means that we effectively have control over our outcomes and hence, over our lives. Life is constructed from a stream of events unfolding before our eyes in time and ...